If there’s one thing ya girl is passionate about, that’s healthy skin. I love to see my natural glow without it being a pregnancy glow (can I get an AMEN to that!). I may be what some may call a skincare product junkie. As soon as I see a brand that grabs my attention and products that actually provides results, I’m all over them. Now with that being said and done I went out on a journey to create a skincare brand that yields results not only for your skin but your mental health as well as a boost for your confidence. I’m all about healthy skin, NOT “perfect” skin. It’s all about discovering what language your skin is speaking and bringing your skin’s health back into alignment. One thing about me is that if I can’t find what I need on the market to assist with a particular skin concern in my life at that present moment I’m going to create it myself and make it do what it do baby boo!
There’s one skin issue I struggled with consistently and that was them damn ingrown hairs (Ugh…I strongly dislike them with a passion. Can’t you tell?) and dull skin from time to time made me want to put my boxing gloves on and square up with my dang self. What I desired most of all was smooth, radiant skin that was slow to aging. Now, with that being said I created a skincare line dedicated to empowering women (men too…fellas you can get in on this too but you know I cater to my beauties!) like you to put you first by choosing you every damn time starting with your self-care and mental health. Every product is designed to take you on a journey to a magical place and transform your skin while nurturing your mental health via aroma therapy.
I’d like to introduce you to the Magical Escape Palace Collection
Currently available is Passion Bae Sugar Body Scrub and Sunburst Body Butter.
1. Passion Bae Sugar Body Scrub is infused with passion fruit extract which aids with keeping your skin’s youthful appearance. This scrub is packed full of awesome antioxidants to help with skin rejuvenation, decreasing the aging process and getting rid of those dull dead skin cells leaving your skin radiant and smooth. I love using this product as a pre-shave scrub to prevent ingrown hairs especially in the bikini area.
2. Sunburst Body Butter lives up to its name by providing rich hydrating nutrients giving you that summer glow with peachy vibes. It’s best used after a shave to smooth and hydrate every area of your body.
I hope you experience and love every product that's introduced in the Magical Escape Palace Skin Care Collection. Visit the Makei Beauty Store to get your body scrub or body butter today.