How to Confidently Be the Face of your Biz
You’ve started the business or at least had the thought to start a business and become the CEO of your life. That’s awesome sauce! Let me stop right here to take a moment to high five you! You are going to be amazing and the value you will provide will be the butter to your audience or mash potatoes! (I love food so yaaaasss my references will 90% of the time involve food) Quick question, how will you attract the people to your business who will need you the most? Will it be through facebook advertising, instagram organic growth, LinkedIn or some other platform? Every relationship has to start somewhere, right?
Yes! Building that relationship is the key to your success. It's first established by how you show up then by your integrity. Your audience has to like, know and trust you; they need to see you as the expert that will solve their problem. Like most small business start ups, you debate whether your face should be the face of your business or if it should just be the logo you had an awesome graphic designer create for you. It’s truly a tough decision and you should think this very important pillar of your business completely through. Honestly speaking I truly believe that your face should be the face of your new business for several reasons which we will discuss now.
Why your Face should be the star of the show:
1. People now buy from people they know. They connect with personalities whether than buying from big corporations.
2. Who knows your business or has the level of passion for your business more than you? No one, so why not let the beauty behind the business shine through.
3. It allows the buyer to have an immediate connection and experience with you.
4. You are the owner and the client. When you break down your audience avatar you are or at least have been that audience you are seeking to connect with.
5. It builds trust and confidence on your expertise.
Now that we’ve talked about why you should be the face of your business let’s talk about how to be the face of your business.
1. Be vulnerable and share your story. People connect with personal stories and your "Why" do what you do rather than what your product is.
2. Create an authentic, signature style. Do not let what you were told on your 9-5 be the deciding factor on what should be considered a professional look. If you're not careful it will bleed over into your business. Remember that you make the rules, so have fun with it.
3. Let your face be the first face your clients see on your website and marketing material. This may not be important for those who are not yet confident to have their face lead their business. However, for those of you who are looking to take that bold stand in your business go for it!
4. Stay poised and polished. This does not mean you have to be dressed in a business suit or your Sunday's best. You must simply be neatly groomed. If you don't feel the need to wear makeup for the pics that will be the face of your business...ummm you do need to wear it! It can be a simple "no makeup" look but it does come across as you being poised and polish which will attract more clients your way. Chiiillee, that's another blog for another day.
To be the face of your business does not need to be a long, daunting task. You can keep it simple yet personal. If you are the face of your business or thinking about taking that leap let me know your thoughts and experiences in the comments!