How to Boost Your Collagen with Caffeine

Caffeine is the name of this game and it’s a game definitely worth playing. Whenever you hear caffeine what do you think of or better yet what effects of caffeine are you thinking of? I know for me, when I think of caffeine, I’m thinking of things being more alert, perky, and depending on how much caffeine you digest your speed in everything that you do increases. This is very beneficial as it relates to your skin and especially if you’re in the 30+ squad. Even though you may still have what others may deem as a baby face and think you are finer than a glass of wine, time is not on your side. I know you are absolutely shocked by this news.
I know we all think it’s a secret, but I'm hear to tell you, my friend that yes things will start to sag, crinkle, and wrinkle. You are so lucky to have a friend like me! Before we get into the good stuff let’s talk about why we need an anti-aging skincare regimen. Number 1 we know time is not on our side and we don’t want to show we’re aging now when we can definitely age later. Number 2, as we age our elastin which keeps our skin tight and smooth as a baby’s bottom begins to get weak allowing room and plenty of space and opportunity for fine lines to sneak in overnight.
Caffeine is a diuretic so when used consistently it can reduce the appearance of cellulite due to it’s fat water filled pockets.
1. Fight free radicals which are caused by our environment. Free radicals speeds up the aging process. So, this is why we get fine lines and wrinkles.
2. Just as coffee wakes us up in the morning, it does the same for our skin. It stimulates blood circulation which makes you look radiant and alive.
3. Reduce puffiness when used as an eye cream. Due to it being a diuretic it draws water from the area giving the area a more tightened look.
Sounds great, right! Well, let me give you one small fact and warning. Yes, caffeine has great benefits for the skin, however it also thins the skin. Be sure to consume caffeine in moderation due to it can do just as much harm as it can do good. It’s all about moderation.
I do use caffeine products on my skin to help with the aging process, but I use them in moderation. I do not drink coffee all day every day, in fact some days I prefer to only drink water. I love the benefits that caffeine has on my skin and I surely love reaping those benefits. As a beauty in the 30+ age group, having an anti-aging skin care regimen is a must and caffeine helps me stay fine as a glass of wine when I use it in moderation.
Here are a few DIY recipes you can try today to get you started with implementing caffeine into your skincare regimen.
Wake up Girl Recipe
(Coffee, Cocoa, Yogurt)
This is one of the easiest recipes and my go to because of the consistency it provides. It will spread evenly.
1 Tablespoon of Cocoa
1 ½ table spoons of Coffee
1 Table spoon of Yogurt.
Mix ingredients and apply to your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse away with warm water.
Love me Today
(Coffee, Honey, Olive Oil)
This is a treatment I use as a body treatment. When applied to areas where cellulite reside I wrap in saran wrap for 45 mins – 1 hour. Rinse away when in the shower.
2 Table spoons of Coffee
1 teaspoon of Honey
1 Tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil.
Please keep in mind that the above recipes are DIY for use on your skin ONLY and not to package and sell unless you properly formulate a recipe. I hope that you find these recipes easy and beneficial in your skin care regimen. Let me know about some of your go to products and daily regimens that you have.